Savigny les Beaune Ez Connardises


1 hectare 10,68 acres

Vineyard age

61 years

Soil type

Clay limestone

Average Annual Production


The harvest is done manually with a careful sorting of the grapes. The destemming is carried out in a way which reinforces the delicacy of the Pinot Noir and the elegance of the tannins. A pre-fermentation maceration of about 7 days is carried out in temperature-controlled vats which guarantee precision in the different stages of vinification. During alcoholic fermentation, the must is tasted daily and adjustments are made by pressing and/or pumping over techniques, depending on the progression in the vat. The objective is to allow optimal extraction of the elements from the skins while limiting the coarse elements from the seeds as much as possible. Devatting takes place within 20 days of the date of the grape harvest. The musts are then aged in 228 liter barrels for 12 months.

The proportion of new barrels, approximately 25 to 30% per year, is deliberately moderate in order to let the terroir of the appellation express itself. In partnership with our barrel makers, a true match is sought between the type of barrel and the character of the wine.



Millésime 2018

2018 brought some wild colours to the regions pinot noir, as this extremely purple wine can attest. Its aromatic bouquet is equally complex: Hints of vetiver, sandalwood, patchouli, fresh marc … Its round, fruity flavour charms the taste buds with its supple tannin before a touch of green pepper makes the spices reappear in the final chapter.  The cellar will be this wine’s ally as it improves with age.